The Lizza Consumer Goods Pvt. Ltd. makes some of the most luxurious and beautiful soaps, hair oil (almonds, amla, jasmine, hair-in-air, Lizaa all-clear hair oil, hot and advance coconut hair oil) mustard oil, detergent powder, detergent cake and coconut edible oil, available anywhere in the world. Recently start the range of cosmetics products (Facial Kitt & Saving Kitt) & Pharmaceutical division. we are one of the oldest commercial soap manufacturers & retailer in India. While we long ago outgrew, we still insist on the finest - quality natural ingredients and only ever used aromatherapygrade essential oils for our scents and still make, cut and wrap in small batches to our own unique, and by same standards decadent, recipes.


Lizza Consumer Goods Pvt. Ltd. finds challenges the most mortivating factor to augment growth. And to reach up there it simply believes in three things: serve, spread and shine. Serve- the masses, the middle and upper-middle class that reside in evry corner of India. Spread - Our basket of products throughout the entire globe. Shine - pump every activity with enthusiasm, passion, pride and churn a total turnover of Rs. 650 - 700 crores within March 2025.